Become an Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic is in full development. In order to manage this traffic, skeyes is regularly looking for new and motivated candidates for the job of air traffic controller.

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Registrations are now closed. Subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed as soon as a new recruitment process is online.

What do our air traffic controllers do?

As an air traffic controller you are responsible for safe and efficient incoming, outgoing and overflying air traffic in the controlled airspace above Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Every year, skeyes controls over 1 million aircraft movements. Both during the day and at night our air traffic controllers are on hand to give the pilots the necessary instructions regarding their flight level, flight paths and most importantly, to ensure that aircrafts remain at a safe distance from one other. Ladies and gentlemen, please board for this exciting job and reach the sky!

Will you help us keep our airspace safe? Become an air traffic controller!

Compensation and Benefits

Stethoscope Icon
Hospitalization insurance
Car Icon
Mobility allowance
Meal vouchers & Ecocheques
Individual or collective training
Balanced Scale Icon
Healthy work/life balance
Calendar Icon
Varying schedules
Money bill Icon
Training starting salary ±€2500
Gym & Restaurant on site

Are you eligible?

World Icon
You’re a Belgian or European Union citizen
Birthday Cake Icon
You’re between 17  and 30 years old
Graduation Cap Icon
You’re holding at least a secondary school degree or equivalent, or you will have it for the start of training
Balanced Scale Icon
You’re fully entitled to your civil and political rights
Calendar Icon
You have not participated in the previous skeyes selection-program during the past 2 years
Test Your Eligibility
*To be eligible for the air traffic controller recruitment program, you must meet all the requirements listed above.

Please note that during the selection procedure you will also be subject to a medical examination and security screening. You will need to be deemed medically fit and obtain a positive safety clearance to continue the procedure.

Only registrations via the official registration form will be taken into account. If you can not provide one of the above mentioned documents, please refer to the FAQ.

Selection Process

*This schedule is indicative and may change.

Register online

Registration is now closed. The next recruitment dates have yet to be determined.
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06/01 – 02/03/2025



The FEAST (First European Air Traffic Controller Selection Test) is a series of computer-based tests designed to help Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), such as skeyes, identify the most suitable candidates for the job of air traffic controller. These tests, which are all conducted in English, are designed to assess your essential skills and abilities in key areas such as decision-making, planning, memory, logical reasoning, visual perception, multitasking, spatial orientation, as well as your level of English, particularly in FEAST I.

20/01 – 04/04/2025



Only if you pass FEAST I, you will be invited to take a second round of tests (FEAST II) at a later date. These tests measure, among other things, your multi-tasking skills. During these tests, you will be required to perform several tasks simultaneously, like an Air Traffic Controller does. It is important to know that any prior knowledge of Air Traffic Control (ATC) procedures or other specific knowledge is not necessary. These tests are developed for beginners without ATC background.

03/02 – 30/04/2025


Simulation Exercise & Motivation Interview

During the first oral round, you will explain your motivation to a jury and prove that your knowledge of English fulfills the requirements. You will also solve an individual simulation exercise that you will present to the jury.

05/05 – 30/05/2025


Competency-based Interview

During this second oral round, you will take part in a competency based interview. During this interview, the focus is on a number of competencies that are crucial for working successfully as an Air Traffic Controller. Depending on the language you choose when applying, it will take place in Dutch or French.

02/06 – 20/06/2025


Medical Examination

The penultimate step, is a medical examination. Before applying, we recommend you to thoroughly read this document stating all the medical requirements. The medical fitness for air traffic controllers is a very important aspect. During the medical examination, the following aspects are examined : Bloodwork, blood pressure, lung capacity, nose-throat-ear, eye-sight, and so on. You can check with your general practitioner if you have doubts about your medical fitness.

09/06 – 04/07/2025


Security Screening

Before you can start as a skeyes employee, you must obtain approval after a security screening.

09/06 – 04/07/2025


Onboarding day at skeyes

If you successfully complete all stages of the selection process, you'll be ready to begin your training. The onboarding day will be filled with valuable information and networking opportunities. You'll meet your new colleagues and management team, allowing you to get acquainted with the environment and the expectations of the program.

September or November 2025


A row of people during the Initial Training.

Initial Training (IT)

Initial Training takes place in Steenokkerzeel and consists of two parts:

  • Basic Training:
    This phase introduces you to the fundamental aspects of aviation and air traffic control. You get a solid theoretical grounding in topics such as air law, aircraft types, flight principles, meteorology and operational procedures. You then bring the theory to life in the simulator, where you take your first steps into the dynamic world of air traffic control.
  • Rating Training:
    This phase, also known as qualifying training, is made up of several modules that prepare you step by step for your future role. Each module combines a limited amount of theory with in-depth and stimulating practical training. During the APS module, you will learn how to guide a flight through the final stages of its journey. You then move on to the ADC module, which prepares you to become a tower air traffic controller, or the ACS module, which trains you to become an approach or en-route air traffic controller. At the end of the qualifying training, you will receive the much coveted student licence, which will serve as your entry point to the rest of your training.
A man and woman during training. The man is talking through a microphone while looking at a screen with flight data.

Unit training  (UT)

Unit Training consists of three parts: a theoretical part (transitional training), a practical part in the simulator (pre-on-the-job-training) and a practical part in the actual operational working environment (on-the-job-training). The location may therefore change depending on your assignment. At the end of this second phase, you will obtain a European air traffic controller licence.

Belgian national air traffic control center.

General Information

During the training, there are several assessments. Depending on the results of these assessments, you can continue the training, receive remedial action (if applicable) or your training is discontinued.The entire training is in English and all evaluations (written and oral) are in English.


What does an air traffic controller do?

Air traffic controllers are responsible for the guidance and control of flights entering, leaving and flying over the controlled airspace of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. They give the necessary instructions to the pilots concerning the flight altitude to be used, the air routes to be followed and make sure that the aircraft respect a minimum safety distance, fixed by international rules. In addition, air traffic controllers must take into account external factors such as bad weather, problems at airports, technical instrument failures and difficulties encountered by the aircraft. Wondering what types of air traffic controllers there are? Be sure to read this article.

I have already participated in the recruitment process at skeyes. Can I apply again?

If you participated in the skeyes selection exams in the last 2 years, you are not allowed to take part again this time.

What are the medical requirements?

Throughout the training and your entire career, you will be medically examined on a regular basis and you will need to meet strict requirements. If you want to know more about these requirements: Download the document here.

Will I receive a salary during the training?

Yes, during your training you will already be considered an employee of skeyes. Therefore, you will receive a salary from the start, together with a number of extra-legal benefits.

At the beginning of the training, the salary is around 2500€.

Am I assured a job after having completed training?

Yes, every candidate who successfully completes the full training course is guaranteed a job as an air traffic controller.

See all FAQ

Stay Tuned

Registrations for the selection tests to become an air traffic controller are now closed. Subscribe to our mailing list and be informed as soon as a new recruitment process is online.
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Picture of the Skeyes Air Traffic Control Tower